Roasted Sweet Dumpling Squash

Roasted Sweet Dumpling Squash


  • 1 Sweet Dumpling Squash
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Butter, Salt, Maple Syrup, Brown Sugar are all optional


  1. Preheat oven to 400F and line a baking sheet with tinfoil.
  2. Cut the squash in half with a sharp knife. Remove the strings and seeds. This is easily done with a kitchen spoon.
  3. Coat the entire flesh of the squash with olive oil. This is best done by using your fingers to ensure that the edges are coated and do not stick to the foil.
  4. Place the squash flesh side down and bake for 25-30 minutes or until soft.
  5. Remove squash from the ‘shell’ with a spoon and serve with your choice of butter, salt and pepper, maple syrup, brown sugar, or a combination of those toppings.

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